Mobile Vaccine Clinic
Mobile clinics are for pet vaccines and basic wellness services only (deworming, flea treatments, nail trims).
No appointments needed!
Spay/neuter services are not available at our mobile clinics.
FREE services are available at all CAMP Mobile Clinics for cats and dogs affected by the LA wildfires. Zip code eligibility required.​
For eligible zip codes and more details CLICK HERE

We would like to serve our customers as efficiently as possible. To help expedite services please:
Join the line and await paperwork
Please have all past vaccine records ready to present with most current on top
Have your payment ready (we accept cash & card)
Please completely fill out your intake form
Please write as clearly as possible
We hope to see you at our next mobile clinic!
Rabies: $13
Da2pp | Bordetella (Dogs): $17
Fvrcp | (Cats): $17
Microchips: $30
Round Worm Treatment: $17
Tape Worm Treatment: $30
Flea/Tick Treatment: $26 - $67
Nail Trim: $23
Leptospirosis: $30
Canine Influenza: $30
*Note* - There is a $10 Vaccine clinic service fee per pet. This fee helps cover examination, administrative and operational costs.